The Navigator Blog

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a state-regulated program, and is required of certain employers by law in most states. It covers wage-loss benefits, medical treatment, and rehabilitation for employees who suffer a work-related injury or illness. Workers’ compensation also includes employer liability coverage, meaning that employees who receive these workers’ compensation benefits cannot file suit against their employer in connection with the work-related injury or accident, with few exceptions. When an employee suffers a work-related injury or illness, the workers’ compensation policy covers the costs of the employee’s wages and medical care, and many workers’ compensation policies have programs which help to

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Does a driver need to be tested for drugs and alcohol after an accident?

FMSCA regulations require alcohol and drug testing of drivers who are required to have a CDL. Alcohol tests must be taken two to eight hours after the accident occurred. Drug test must be taken within 32 hours of the accident. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, the driver must be available for testing, or it may be assumed that the driver has refused testing. A refusal is considered the same as a positive test. For more information on this and other insurance topics and coverage, please call our office.

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What is Occupational Accident Insurance?

Occupational Accident Insurance provides medical, disability, and accidental death and dismemberment benefits, but it’s not Workers’ Compensation. Medical Coverage Our Occupational Accident Insurance offers our clients freedom of choice; they aren’t directed to a network of doctors or hospitals, rather, they can see their family doctor or specialists recommended by their doctor to treat covered accidental injuries, up to the limit of the policy. Temporary Total Disability If an individual is unable to work due to a covered occupational accident and medical treatment is necessary, our occupational accident insurance provides compensation for lost income, with some plans offering weekly maximum

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How do I insure my auxiliary power unit?

Physical damage coverage is provided when auxiliary power units (APUs) are permanently attached to a tractor; however, the value of the APU must be included when determining equipment values for insurance coverage. At the time of a total loss, the APU is surrendered because it is included in the salvage value of the tractor. APUs can be insured separately on an inland marine floater policy. This allows the APU to be insured with an optional lower deductible and provides the flexibility to remove the unit from the tractor at the time of a loss when no damage occurs to the

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What is a Constructive Total Loss?

A Constructive Total Loss (CTL) is a loss in which the item insured is not totally destroyed but is so severely damaged that the insurance company considers it uneconomical to repair. The insured item will be totaled-out and the title surrendered to the insurance company. Often, a loss equal to 50 or 60 percent of the stated value of the item is considered a CTL. This means that it is important to accurately state the value of insured items to avoid taking a personal loss in a CTL situation. Here’s an example of a possible CTL: Jeff purchased two new

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Workers’ comp vs. Occ Acc: what’s the difference?

Workers’ compensation is a state-regulated program, and is required of employers who employ three or more employees at any one time, or employ one or more employees for 35+ hours per week for 13 or more weeks by law in most states. It may cover wage-loss benefits, medical treatment, and rehabilitation—related medical expenses—for employees who suffer a work-related injury or illness. Workers’ compensation also includes employer liability coverage, which may provide protection to an employer if an employee sues the employer in indirect relation to a workers’ compensation claim, often covering legal defense costs, up to the policy limits. Workers’

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