The Navigator Blog

Independent Contractor or Employee

The issue of whether an individual may be classified as an independent contractor or employee is increasingly becoming a challenge. Some states are pressuring employers to justify classifications. Learn more by reading this data sheet about the issues. Read more by viewing the attached PDF. [button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Independent-Contractor-or-Employee.pdf” size=”medium” target=”self”]View PDF[/button] Independent Contractor or Employee

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Got Owner Operators Coverage?

You’ve got questions; we’ve got answers! Do you know what coverage to require of Owner Operators and why? Would you like their bobtail policy to cover your deductible if they damage your trailer? Do you spend time chasing renewal certificates of insurance from Owner Operators? Our bobtail program for fleets will offer you, the motor carrier, the benefits listed in this PDF. Read more about Owner Operators Coverage.

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Garage Keepers Coverage

If you run a shop, do some towing, or allow other truckers to park on your premises, you may be held legally liable for loss to a non-owned auto. Learn more about these loss situations and coverage options to protect your business. Read more by viewing the attached PDF. [button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/GargeKeepers.pdf” size=”medium” target=”self”]View PDF[/button] Garage Keepers Coverage

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Drug and Alcohol Testing

When is a drug test needed? Did the accident involve your CMV? Did the accident occur on a public road? Was someone cited for a moving traffic violation? There are many factors involved. Read more by viewing the attached PDF. [button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Drug-Test.pdf” size=”medium” target=”self”]View PDF[/button] Drug and Alcohol Testing

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Constructive Total Loss

Have you heard of the term “constructive total loss”? You will never forget it if you ever have one! Read more by viewing the attached PDF. [button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Construtive_Total_Loss.pdf” size=”medium” target=”self”]View PDF[/button] Constructive_Total_Loss

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Construction Zone Safety Tips

We are all aware that it is vital we exhibit additional caution while driving through construction zones. The nature of construction zones creates unique challenges to drivers, including increased congestion, poorly marked narrow lanes, frequent and sudden stops, merging traffic and workers who may step into your path. Do you know the most common reasons for accidents in road construction zones? Read more by viewing the attached PDF. [button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Construction-Zone-Safety-Tips.pdf” size=”medium” target=”self”]View PDF[/button] Construction Zone Safety Tips

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Get Trucking Insurance

Looking to get a quote on trucking insurance?

Fill out our proposal request form and our team will get back with you with a full insurance proposal for your fleet.